const net = require("net");
const openpgp = require("openpgp");
const utils = require("./utils");
const chalk = require("chalk");
const aes = require("./aes");
const SecureConnection = require("./secure_connection");
* @param {SecsockCallback} listener The listener for when a connection is established
* @param {number} port The port that the server will listen on
* @param {string} hostname The hostname the server will listen on
* @class
function SecsockServer (listener, port, hostname = "") {
var server = net.createServer(socket => {
var publicKey;
var privateKey;
var rsaPassphrase = utils.unique();
var aesKey;
utils.log(`Openpgp passphrase with length ${rsaPassphrase.length} successfully generated`);
let options = {
userIds: [{ name: "Auguste Rame", email: "" }],
numBits: 512,
passphrase: rsaPassphrase
openpgp.generateKey(options).then(key => {
publicKey = key.publicKeyArmored;
privateKey = key.privateKeyArmored;
utils.log(`RSA keys successfully generated`);
}).catch(reason => {
throw reason;
var sc;
socket.on("data", async data => {
const privKeyObj = (await openpgp.key.readArmored(privateKey)).keys[0];
await privKeyObj.decrypt(rsaPassphrase);
if (!aesKey) {
const options = {
message: await openpgp.message.readArmored(data.toString()),
publicKeys: (await openpgp.key.readArmored(publicKey)).keys,
privateKeys: [privKeyObj]
openpgp.decrypt(options).then(plaintext => {
aesKey =;
utils.log("Secure Server -> Client connection established");
sc = new SecureConnection(socket, aesKey);
} else {
server.listen(port, hostname);
module.exports = SecsockServer;
* @callback SecsockCallback
* @param {SecureConnection} secure